Wake up and Smell the Coffee!
Especially if your in Verona, WI! Local Verona small business Tuvalu Coffeehouse has come under some scrutiny(both positive and negative) for...
Edgewater Responds to City Attorney
Well, the kinda did. Sort of.
I’ve Had it! Have you?
So . . . will we rally to defend more of our rights the state is taking away? I sure hope so.
Sign the Landlord Pledge?
If you were a landlord or are one, would you sign the pledge?
REALTORS Claim “Big Victory” In Stripping Tenants of their Rights
Yesterday, Governor Walker Signed SB107 into law, it will likely be published by the Secretary of State and go into effect on December 18th - details below. You can watch here to see the REALTORS claim victory and ask for contributions to continue their work.
Monthly Water Bills Could Be Coming
This is from a neighborhood listserve from someone who follows these water issues closely.
More Service Cuts
You gotta be REALLY poor to get free clothing from Community Action Coalition, who in the last year cut their hours, now they are cutting who they serve.
This is What Democracy Cooks Like
They're here!
Extra Meetings added for this week.
Two of them are tomorrow. Cutting it close.
Neighborhood Meeting on the Rushed Through Project
I haven't gotten any notifications from my alder about this (go figure), but the neighborhood association has now sent me two notices. Of course, its not my neighborhood association, they are just good neighbors.
City Week Ahead
December . . . things will start tapering off as we get closer to the holidays, but we still have a full week this week.
Vicki McKenna Banned in Cottage Grove!!
Recently, the Cottage Grove village board passed a resolution calling for civil public discourse. Their resolution no. 2011-07, A...