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Edgwater Financing Not Secured?

Hm. Looks like they might not really have the money for the financing secured.

WORT Turns 36 Today!

Happy Birthday WORT! Send them a little love! I wonder if they knew 36 years ago that WORT Community Radio would be such a success?

Help Build a Hoop House this Weekend

Gotta hand it to these Occupy folks . . . they are tenacious and creative. And still here!

Here We Go . . . 1st Snow Plowing Update of the Year!

Yup . . . its that time of the year again . . .

A Moment of Silence Please.

A former Common Council member Kent Palmer, representing the 15th district on the east side where Alder Larry Palm now represents passed away on Monday.

Consent Agenda for Tonight’s Council Meeting

Here's what they say they want to talk about tonight, but you just never know what happens!

Tenant Resource Center Further Reduces Services

Yeah, bad time to be a tenant in need! SB107 has reduced tenants' rights and will go into effect in a week or two, TRC is reducing services because federal, state and county funding reductions. Yeah, it all rolls down hill! Which makes us all the more thankful for the wonderful community who really helped us out during our fundraiser! The best since 2008! THANK YOU!!!!

Pathetic Public Process, Again

So, last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I attended the meeting of the Urban Design Commission to hear the latest on the 700 E Washington/Gebhardt project. I showed up at 5:20 at the same time as 2 of the 4 members of the public that showed up - and the item scheduled for 5:25 had already finished the presentation and taken public comment.

What Do You Want to See in Our County Parks?

Give input on line, get info, attend meetings, let them know.

Oddest Budget Moment – Joe McCarthy Appearance?

It was Thuy-like.

City Week Ahead

Monday, November 28, 2011 11:30 AM MADISON BOARD OF POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSIONERS 16 N. CARROLL ST. ROOM 500 - Fire Chief Appointment process (no links,...

Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...