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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

City Week Ahead . . .

Hey, looks like we have several agendas in that are usually missing Monday morning . . . interesting! Always remember to check the weekly calendar as there are usually meetings added throughout the week, usually 3 - 8 of them.

Hydrite Meeting Tonight!

Hydrite Chemical is a company that has a location in Cottage Grove that many people are not even aware exists. With the...

WYOU – Documenting the Wisconsin Uprising!

Don't you wish there was an archive of all the video and photos that were taken last spring during the Wisconsin Uprising? Well . . . there could be! There will be!

City Not Doing Enough to Stop Discriminatory Practices of Bars

I'm disappointed, but with a little attention to this issue, maybe we can get them to do the right thing.

Parisi Limits County Board Options, Now Threatens Walker Wheel Tax Veto

Er, vehicle registration fee. There are a lot of people who have signed on to the idea of a Walker Wheel Tax, and Tuesday night the Personnel and Finance Committee heard from many about the their support of a Walker Wheel Tax.

County Budget – Making Progress

We have more info!

Details – Requirements for Conversion of Don Miller Site to Day Shelter?

Ok, here's the devil, er, details. Doesn't sound as bad as I thought it might be, but there are a few hurdles and I wonder who will pay for all of this? Hate to see improvements done to buildings that are going to be torn down.

Occupy Madison to Be Shut Down Today? (Updated)

They don't plan to apply for a permit. You might want to get down there if you care and you can.

Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I've heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them - not attached to emails I got).

The next AppleTV, and the future of newspapers

It's long, but I can draw a path for how an unannounced AppleTV is part of the future for newspapers.

Neighborhood Issue Resolved?

Well, the developer is once again communicating with the neighborhood and the meeting will go on. Here's the details.

What the Council Will Discuss Tonight (Amended)

At the moment, here's the issues alders want to speak about.