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Demolitions . . . More on the Way

A few demolitions coming up . . . more than a couple dozen

Important Neighborhood Meetings Coming Up

Tenants' Rights, Garver Feedmill, Two-Way Johnson St, Bassett/Johnson/Dayton Development, 700 E Washington, Mansion Hill Neighborhood. Willy St Coop Driveway on Jenifer

I Can’t Tell You Why

The Monona Grove School District recently held held their annual meeting. Typically these are sparsely attended and uneventful. This...

Students – Don’t rely on Landlords for Tenant’s Rights Info.

Duh. Right? I guess not.

First Part of Budget Discussions – Operating Budget Amendments

The second half was more interesting to me, but I had to go to the County Budget hearing. Which I hope to get to later, but I was kicked out of my media seat because I testified for 5 minutes, even tho I spent two hours there taking notes. Not sure I'll blog it as a result because my notes are not very good.

Pre-Budget Board of Estimates Discussions

Ok - here's everything except the budget discussions. CDBG and Office of Community Service merger, University AVe/Whitney Way TIF, sale of house in James Madison Park and police overtime.

Today’s Must Read

Comes from Dave Zweifel at the Cap Times, with a brilliant way to save money in WI. This kind of vicious...

The (City) Week Ahead

Budget at Board of Estimates tonight and a quieter week, since it is last that week of the month.

What is the Purpose of these Tavern Dress Codes?

I've heard about them . . . now you can see them! (without going to these bars that most of my readers would never go to!) Yeah, I sacrificed my Thursday night and took a field trip!

Seven Families Sue Kipp

Lawsuit filed over dangerous levels of contamination.

Recall Repercussions

The results were in this summer with the democrats flipping two seats in the Senate recalls. While the republicans lost two seats,...

More issues with Logans

So, I recently did a training for TRC volunteers and the community and one of my new volunteers got really interested when we were talking about disparate impact and discrimination and wanted to know if these same rules and concepts applied to bars . . . here's why.