Home Media Page 27


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Week Ahead

Enjoy . . . guessing what they might be talking about and if there is anything you want to comment on, since we don't have the materials the committee members have, its hard to tell.

New Council and Mayor First Meeting Recap

And Mayor Soglin was in his seat and started the meeting on time!

Random Round Up

Still catching up from vacation - so here's a few random things I didn't have more time for.

City Week Ahead

Lots of cancellations . . . that time of year . . . 22 meetings. 11 scheduled before 5pm.

An Overview of Bus Rapid Transit by Al Matano

I organized an informational meeting on the on the future of transit in Dane County prior to the August meeting of the Dane County...

MMSD – Week Ahead

2 meetings

Occupy Needs . . .

Ok - people keep asking me what they can do for Occupy, and here's the list . . .

Even More “City Week Ahead” Meetings

I don't know what the point of a "weekly meeting schedule" is if half the meetings are missing.

Goodman Pool Opens Tomorrow

Just in time for the hot weather this weekend.

City Week Ahead

11 meetings held during the day of 27 and not at times where you can just "go to lunch" to attend the meetings . . . 11:00. 1:00, 1:30, 12:30, 11:00, 12:00, 1:30, 1:30, 9:30, 10:00 & 2:00. Your inclusive and inviting government scheduled while you work. Also, the comprehensive plan (will guide development for the next 10 years . . .) is being approved at 7 meetings this week.

It’s Official – More Days in Single’s Shelter Starting Sept 1

Homeless single men’s and single women’s shelter days are being increased to 90 days effective September 1st. This is a temporary adjustment in an effort to encourage unsheltered homeless single adults to move inside. If you have questions please contact Preston Patterson (ppatterson@porchlightinc.org) or Melissa Sorensen (Melissa.sorensen@usc.salvationarmy.org).

Why Teachers Need a Union – Part 2

I posted before some examples why teachers need a union. From Idaho we get another case study! A high school science teacher in Idaho is...