Isthmus May Have Pulled the Blog Post, ALRC Applauds it.
It's common knowledge to the ALRC members that there are bar policies out there that discriminate against people of color. They applauded the blog statements and thanked Sconzie for writing his blog post, even tho the Isthmus pulled it.
Read this.
Wow, I was involved in the Edgewater early on as alder, and even I learned about what was going on in this article.
How to Decide to Demolish a Landmark
George Austin kept saying that we had to think about what was going to go in place of the landmarked buildings or that is should "add value" if we demolished a landmark when talking about the project on the 100 State St block. That was still bugging me, I don't see that anywhere in the standards for demolishing a landmark. He also said that Landmarks Commission made a recommendation to the Plan Commission about a demolition, which also, clearly was not true. They issue a Certificate of Appropriateness and its appealed to the council (think Edgewater). For his comments see here. For the real standards and procedure, see below.
Updates on Proposals for Don Miller Properties on E. Washington
Yesterday the Council was briefed on the proposals and all the "challenges" to policies that the projects will face
Short Council Meeting tonight!
What do they want to talk about . . . mostly nuthin.
These are the items that are separated "for discussion".
Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions
Please note...
Knock Down Landmarked Building for Better View of Capitol?
Really? And completely remove and then rebuild/replace another landmarked building? That's not a facadectomy, that's just offensive. Why are they doing this? So the Overture can host more weddings that can have a better view of the capitol?
City Week Ahead – Almost 30 Meetings!
Nearly 30 meetings this week . . . and they always add more . . .
Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...
How the City Will Address Barriers to Affordable Housing in the Next Year
Wow. This is truly pathetic.
The City’s Anti-Poverty Strategy
The Council will vote on this tomorrow night.
First Casualty of New Policy
Not enough time to get liquor permit, event cancelled. Bummer, because Tenant Resource Center would have gotten part of the proceeds
Rubber? Or Wood?
What do you want on your playground for your kids to fall on? Yup, that's the question!