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Other Not in the News Round Up

Upcoming events, requests non-profits, neighborhood association news, etc. It's been a while, so my apologies if your events have already gone by and I didn't post them . . .

Three Important Events This Week

Ok, besides the event at the Labor Temple (see details below) . . . that makes four.

Greyhound Moving . . . Again.

Yeah, I'm not kidding, the 8th time in 2 years

Hey! Where’s the Public Notice on This!?

So, um, if the Mayor and alders are getting together with the business community tonight . . . don't you think you should know?!...

County Board Budget Meetings

Now, more than ever, we need to get creative. But, we can't do that at the expense of the most needy in our community. This is no longer just for budget geeks, this impacts everyone!

Kudos to the Clerk’s Office and EOD!

Consider me impressed!

Proposed County Human Services Cuts

On Friday, the County Department Budget proposals came out. And many non-profits "got the call". Here's some of the cuts that I've heard about so far.

Prosser Cleared?!?!?!

Cross Posted @bloggingblue, because, in lieu of the right wing attack on Justice Bradley and inexcusable defense of Justice Prosser, this story needs...

City Week Ahead

5th Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of August, so fewer meetings than usual. Short blog post.

The Absurdity of Running a Non-Profit . . .

Two things that happened in the last 24 hours have made me stop and think about how absurd my job of the last 16 plus years as Executive Director of the Tenant Resource Center has become . . . and makes me wonder how much worse it will get

Annoying Meeting on 700 & 800 Blocks of E. Washington

This blog post is going to be annoying, especially the end, so not only was the meeting annoying, but prepare to be annoyed with me! And the local media! :)

35% FAIL! for Homeless Shelters

Well, 35% FAIL! for our community!!