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Wall Street Occupation Coming to Madison

Tomorrow (Friday). Reynolds Park. Starting: When people show up. Those who live in the downtown area have probably already seen the chalkings. For those who...

Dumpster Diving while Black and Homeless Illegal

I heard about this ticket a while ago and yesterday I finally got the police report. I just had to share it. When you and I engage is "dumpster diving" or "Hippie Christmas" in August in Downtown Madison it's hip and cool and we're saving the environment. When you're a homeless black man you are committing a crime, ticketed and required to leave the area. Even after the police confirmed nothing was stolen.

What Council Thinks They will Discuss tonight

Here's the items the council members want to discuss. The public may add items to the list by showing up and speaking and then the council may or may not discuss.

Immigration as a Moral Issue (Day One 9/18)

Leila Pine and the James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Church have embarked on a class to explore the issues. They asked me to video tape it and I felt the issue was important enough to do so. So, here's day one (September 18th). Later this week day two, and hopefully day three!

Items of Interest at the Council Meeting Tonight

Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday.

Simpson’s Soliloquy on Words of Reason

This weeks Herald Independent, the paper of record for the Monona Grove School District, had an interesting column from their latest Cottage Grove...

More Changes to the City-County Building Policies

I'm not sure this was voted on by the City-County Liaison Committee. Parts of it may have been, parts of it have not been as far as I know.

The City Week Ahead.

I kept getting distracted this morning . . . but here it is, finally! Monday, October 3, 2011 8:00 AM MADISON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION HOUSING COMMITTEE ...

Human Services Still Facing Drastic Cuts

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds. But here's the what still isn't funded . . . the list is extensive and breathtaking.

Changes to Neighborhood Resource Teams

Returning them to what they were intended to be . . .

Random Round Up

All kinds of things going on, they are not full posts on their own . . . so here they are mashed together! WILLY ST...

Miss your Bus – Risk Getting Suspended

Yeah - this won't apply to most . . . but it applies to some . . .