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700 & 800 Block E Washington Meeting

What's going on with the proposals on the 700 and 800 blocks of East Washington Avenue/Don Miller properties . . . here's the latest...

Paul Ryan Ignores Meeting Request from Jobless Constituents, Locks Them Out

Giving Forward Lookout a sneak peek at this piece, which is running in Socialist Worker tomorrow. We socialists are cool and like to share...

Police Report on Mifflin St: End. It. Now.

Here's the findings and recommendations from their report. I'd like to see a longer comparison besides 2008 to 2011, I'm sure they have the data, the very limited comparison seems strange and seems to leave out a big piece of the picture.

Operating Budget Department Requests – Part III

Ok, one more post after this one, see part 1 and part 2 for more info.

Operating Budget – Part II

Part I is here. Here's more of what the departments are proposing.

James Madison Park Houses

Presentations on the proposals and input from the public from Thursday evening . . . if you're one of the many who left after the questions, you missed the last 20 minutes of discussion and may want to check it out.

City in August Week Ahead

Whoa, this is a ton of meetings for August . . . when committees routinely take the month off.

Operating Budget Department Requests – Part I

Here's what the departments submitted to the mayor for the operating budget - what the Mayor chooses to do with it we won't officially know until the first Tuesday in October. And then we'll see if any of these budget community discussions has any impact on the requests.

Horror Film Festival/WYOU Fundraiser

Hey, this isn't exactly my thing (but I have some freaky friends/boyfriend who think this is fun), but that is the beauty of WYOU . . . there's something for everyone!

Jim Carrier: Is Rhythm & Booms Worth the Cost?

This was in the Cap Times yesterday, but is worth repeating.

More Not in the News Round Up

Still catching up on my long list of blogging topics . . . so here some more things you should know that I didn't get to yesterday! More for the "good news" portion of the blog!

Drug Sniffing Dogs in our Schools?

Could be . . . have an opinion, take the survey! Do you support the use of the Madison Police K9 unit to conduct drug...