Edgewater Project-Labor Agreement Still Elusive
I've heard back from everyone except Bruer and Maniaci and the Building Trades. See the alder responses below.
How much are our Kids/the Poor worth?
Let's face it, the military preys on the poor, who have few options. Madison Metro is helping that happen - at what price? Or profit?
Community Benefits – What we should get for our TIF Dollars
Here's a good example from Milwaukee (and other places). Of course, here in Madison, we've heard about some benefits, but weren't not allowed to see what the agreement is.
Madison Metro (Buses) = National Guard Recruiting Center?
Ok, I've been watching people report in . . . and here's what I've heard so far.
Vote Oct 11th!
Just another way Voter ID or the Voter Suppression Act is costing us more money.
I have said over and over that the new brand of "fiscal conservatives" mean that if they are for it, there is no amount...
Short (City) Week Ahead
Rosh Hashanah and last week of the month have combined to make for very few meetings this week.
Fire Chief Position Only for Insiders
This kinda smells . . .
Next Salvo Against the Homeless
I was at the Economic Development Committee yesterday and got a heads up on the next issue to ward off the homeless. You just knew this one was coming . . . remove the State St. benches?
Follow Up on the Video Cameras in the City County Building
So, I got a few answers from county staff. I'm not happy with the answers, but grateful for the quick response.
Where is that mysterious Project-Labor Agreement for the Edgewater?
No one seems to know . . . has anyone seen it?
WTF . . . oh I’m not done . . . Part III
Ok, back to the city-county building and something the supes and alders I talked to knew nothing about . . .