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Random Not in the News Round Up

Lots going on in the community, and I needed to clean out my inbox . . . so here's a random list of things you should know about!

Foreclosure Victory!

So many people in foreclosure don't know what to do, this story is inspiring, because it is a story of victory!

The Myth of Education “Reform”

My LTE made the Cap Times website, in a slightly edited version. Here is the full letter(with links): Now that school has resumed,...

Dane Dems, AFSCME 171, PD, and over 100 individuals Sign on

We just got done writing this letter at 4:00 on Tuesday, less than 48 hours later, we have major support from 20 organizations and over 100 individuals.

Unions, Enviros, Non-profits, Faith Communities and Allies United!

Message to our elected officials: Go ahead, charge us a fee for our cars and find other alternatives to prevent drastic cuts to the Dane County Budget. We will support you!

Tenant’s Rights Rally Tonight at 5:00

All that is left is for the Assembly to pass SB107 which will prohibit Madison and Dane County from finding local solutions for local problems including removing laws on the books that prohibit a landlord from requiring 3 times the amount of income as rent, protecting people from being required to give their social security number, removing our protections that require a landlord to deny tenants for only housing related arrest and conviction records and limit that to two years, lets a landlord wait to ask you to renew your lease til 1/4 of the lease is over, limits security deposits to one month's rent, and requires check-in and check-out sheets and photos beofre the landlord takes money from your security deposit.

TIF Primer for City Staff, New Alders and YOU!

Board of Estimates started out last night with a TIF presentation . . . and it wasn't by the you-just-love-to-hate-him TIF Coordinator Joe Gromacki,...

How Bad Have the Needs/Funding Gaps in Dane County Gotten?

Here's a little taste from a few non-profits, NOT the Tenant Resource Center.

Which Human Services Is The County Planning on Cutting?

SEEMS LIKE ALMOST ALL OF THEM! Not quite, but the list is extension. Grab something to drink and settle in, this is overwhelming.

The City Week Ahead . . .

Here we go again . . . I'm spending more time on the County side of things (Human Service Budget Hearings tonight and tomorrow night - Alliant Energy Center 6:00), at the Tenants Rights' Rally tomorrow night (5:00 State St steps) and the Poverty Coalition meeting on Thursday (6:00 Edgewood College).

Follow up to CCB Signs to Get Rid of the Homeless

City-County Liaison Committee met to discuss, but postponed to the next meeting after a little very annoying information was shared.

James Madison Park Houses

Final action on what will happen?