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Another reason Greyhound really sucks . . .

Ok, its not often I think about motorcycle parking, but this is kinda annoying. Greyhound moved around so much, bumped parking and now doesn't even need the space since they moved. I don't even know where they are any more. Anyways, more than you need to know about motorcycle parking and Greyhound. This is also on the Transit and Parking Commission Agenda.

How should Dane County Grow?

County Board Chair Scott McDonell shares his thoughts . . . two year moratorium on sprawl.

Wednesday Morning Round Up

Here's the little I have for today.

City Redistricting

Info that would be good for tomorrow's hearing - how our maps are impacted by the Republican plan.

Tenant Resource Center Reduces Services in the Face of Dwindling Resources

This is the blog post/press release I've been dreading for about 2 years, we knew the day was coming . . .

Excellent Reminder/Refresher for All Involved in Local Government

Um, yeah, we don't run like a business, there are open meetings and records laws that are important. So, committee members, committee staff, elected...

Community Vigil Thursday

Yadda, yadda, yadda, another protest, another rally, another vigil. No, seriously, pay attention to this one. It's for the little boys killed week.

Madison Metro’s Stroller Policy

Just a reminder of the policy and the consequences. This is on the Transit and Parking commission agenda for Wednesday. And its not just about strollers . . . even tho that is the name of the policy.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Relevant local news I can find, plus state and "not in the news" news . . .

What You Need to Know if Voting Today

Voter ID bill has some changes that go into affect already today . . . so read up on what to expect. This information is for the 48th primarily, but affects everyone.

More Capitol B.S. -Only Public Hearing on Redistricting Wednesday 10am

Short notice. check. Limited public input. check. Public likely to be ignored. check. Angry and pissed off Wisconsinite....

Weekend Round Up

Here's the news I have . . . city, county, schools, state and things that didn't quite make the news.