County Week Ahead
18 meeting, some at such lovely times as 3:00, 3:45, 8am, noon, 9 and 12:15 . . . public friendly?
City Week Ahead
17 meetings, 4 cancelled, no meetings on Tuesday because its election day. Meetings at 10, 11:30, 12:15, 11:00 and 5 meetings at 4 or 4:30.
Human Services Board + PW&T + P&F
I attended the Human Services Board last night to get a peek at the new tool that they are going to be recommending for making budget funding decisions. However, there was a scheduling snafu and they had to cut their meeting short after an 45 minutes so that the Public Works and Transportation committee could meet, and 15 minutes after that the Personnel & Finance Committee met - so I just let the camera roll so you could see how the county conducts it's business. You might be a little surprised. No discussion, rubber stamp and move on.
Public Safety Review Committee
I attended this meeting yesterday which was nearly cancelled, the person who was quorum walking in at exactly 5:15 . . . seconds later and they would have had to cancel.
Room Tax Commission
I attended this meeting on Tuesday because there was no information in legistar and they do control millions of dollars. It is one of only 5 meetings they will have this year and it lasted only 25 minutes.
City Purchasing Leaning Toward Less Bidding for City Purchases?
In the city language they use "sole source" purchases when they want to avoid a bidding process. This used to be highly unique . . . but it seems to be becoming less and less unique. So, a blog about sweetheart deals in honor of Valentines Day. Where does this slippery slope end?
Oops, they missed a meeting
Grrr. I haven't been posting when the city adds meetings, and now I'm realizing I'm not longer getting the notices, not since January 16th??? Here's one that is noteworthy. Sigh . . . looks like I've gotten about 80 notices of late meeting in 4 months. About 20/month.
What Is the City Watching Us With? And Why?
Don't worry, not even the mayor knows? Things have changes since I was on the council and worked on a committee about surveillance cameras (2004?, 2005?). Seems as tho the staff have developed an almost hostile attitude about even telling the alders what they are doing. I was just curious, but stumbled into this.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
No actual MMSD meetings - 2 quasi MMSD meetings.
County Week Ahead
13 meetings, some at such publicly accessible times at noon, 8:15, 2:30 and 2:30 again. And of course, most items don't have links to the information provided to the committees.
City Week Ahead
Yikes, some meetings on the official calendar, others in legistar (if you just look at the first link you wouldn't know Public Safety Review Committee is meeting this week) and many without proper links to the items they will be voting on so you'll have to show up to see what they are talking about . . .
testing 1 2 3
testidy, test test