Home Media Page 28


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . .

County Week Ahead

Also several cancelled meeting . . .

City Week Ahead

Lots of cancellations and missing agendas - its that time of year . . .

Random Things . . .

So hard to keep up with everything going on, so here's some things on my mind!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . .

County Week Ahead

4 of the 9 meetings are before 5pm. 3:00, 12:00, 1:00, 11:30? Are these times for an open and transparent government to be meeting? And on the Alliant Energy Center, Criminal Justice Council and Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board??

City Week Ahead

20 meetings, 5 before 4:00 . . . 9 before 5:00 . . .

County Board – Is the Jail Derailed?

So, I started blogging and it wasn't going well because I missed a few things . . . but turns out, no matter how hard I tried, I would have missed that last hour of the meeting because it was shouted down. The board kept going, voting with a thumbs up or thumbs down with staff yelling to them what they were voting on. Conservative superiors were upset they didn't get to debate and in the end were threatening to look into legal ways to declare the meeting invalid . . . and in effect, derail the jail.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting. Monday, November 20 6:30 p.m. Special Board of Education Meeting in Open Session -- WORKSHOP - Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street...

County Week Ahead


City Week Ahead

Short week, but still plenty going on.

Fitchburg Follies

Things are rotten in Fitchburg and it is time the people there demand more. A few weeks ago, the Mayor of Fitchburg, Jason Gonzalez, considered...