Home Media Page 28


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Alders Behaving Suspiciously

So, when someone submits a proposal to the city, with a clear scoring system, you expect those doing the scoring to be fair, right? Well, two alders can make a big swing in the scoring if they want to. Check out what happened with the one of the James Madison Park Houses.

Council Briefing Tonight?

On sister cities? Wasn't on the weekly agenda . . .

Park on the ODD Side of the Street tonight!

Downtowners, I'm sure you noticed the snow and that only half of our streets are plowed, make sure to move your cars to the ODD side of the street tonight so they can do the other half!

What a Shitty Day Round Up

Ok, I took my camera and went back to the capitol yesterday. The best sign I saw simply said "a sad day". Indeed. If you think yesterday's round up was depressing . . . well, today's is worse.

Jennifer St. Reconstruction Meeting tonight

Construction, traffic, street width, planning, underground utilities, trees, etc.

Your Guide to Local Government

Coming soon . . . like, in a month! But we need your help!

White, Stupid and Drunk – Double (Racist) Standard

Drunken College Students blocking off the streets, starting fires, 5 arrests = "mostly good behavior". And yet after a month of peaceful protests the "fear" of violence started by Chief Koval, lied about by Chief Koval and continued by Chief Koval, continues to be a concern to reporters and people throughout the city. Why?

Board of Estimates Recap

40 minutes, I should get this one done! Yikes, I just have no time for blogging any more!

Things Going On Around Town

A whole bunch more . . .

Another Police Blacklisting Project?

I missed this one, but now there are at least 3 "collective community bans" the police department has initiated, the one on State St. (Cap Times), the one with the north and east side hotels and one at E. Wash and E. Johnson at the Hawthorne Library area.

City Week Ahead

6 of the 17 meetings start after 5:00. Many of the meetings start at 8am, 10am, 11am, 3pm, 3:30pm. How is the public supposed to be able to attend or participate in these meetings? I know I'll be at work during these meetings, and I bet you will be too. Alot of meetings with no links too . . . :(

People of Color UP, Women DOWN

It's still a man's world baby! Even here in the City of Madison.