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Weekend, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Not in the News Round Up

Um, I'm horribly far behind and all this stuff is just sitting in a draft folder, so I'm just getting this out there, done or not

City’s New Finance Director

The best of the two, and the only one left standing since the other top candidate pulled out

All Aboard “The Magic Bus”?

With 20 Madison Alders? Is the picture in your head right now this . . .

Kinda Dismal Overture Update

So, how are they doing on their commitments in the structural agreement?

What’s on the Council Agenda Tonight?

Not much?

City Budget Process Needs You

Ok, I'm not as excited as I used to be after taking that silly survey . . . but don't let that prevent you from taking the survey or attending these meetings. I plan to attend at least 2 of them.

I’m Furloughed/Laid Off this Week, Week Ahead (Final)

Ok, have some extra blogging time on my hands this week, I'm furloughed and can sleep in, but then watch for posts throughout the day.

Why Save the Erdman Building?

Why is it historic? Here's info from the Landmark's nomination.

Another Trip to Europe with FANTASTIC results!!

Ok, I think this just shows really poor judgement and it looks terrible, but I'm glad it changed this elected official's mind.

City of Madison Redistricting

Maps, polling places, process and just about everything you probably want to know . . .

ALEC and Wisconsin

So, Center for Media and Democracy has exposed ALEC and they need your help! Plus, here's some Wisconsin specific materials.