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Capitol OPEN!

Well, lets see if they follow this court order . . .

Dark, Gloomy Round Up

And I'm not referring to the weather, but the mood of Wisconsin. Sad days. Sad, disgusting, gloomy days.

Lookin’ At the Supreme Court Decision

Particularly, Abrahamson's awesome dissent. Rudy Moore, a friend of mine from Foley & Lardner helps break it down. Rudy was a judicial intern for Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson. Besides being an attorney, he's also an electrical engineer, recipient of a Congressional medal for service in Antarctica after spending 13 months there, and he's a commercially licensed pilot.

Assembly Passes Budget

I watched til about 2:45 and fell asleep. It passed around 3. Each Democratic Party amendment met the same fate . . . "gentleman from the 69th", "table", good arguments made, falls on deaf ears, vote 60 to 38. But still, I watched. Here's Barca's statement.

Tenant Protections Further Endangered by Senate Yesterday

So . . . just when you thought we had avoided the worst but it was bad enough . . . they threw in something new to SB107.

More Demolitions

I did a demolition round up, but they keep coming, so here are a few more.

What a Shitty Day Round Up

Ok, I took my camera and went back to the capitol yesterday. The best sign I saw simply said "a sad day". Indeed. If you think yesterday's round up was depressing . . . well, today's is worse.

Board of Estimates Recap

Short meeting.

Weekend and Monday Round Up

Didn't round up yesterday, so here it is from the weekend and yesterday.

He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...

Week Ahead . . . for now

Til it changes, in a matter of hours . . .