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More Capitol B.S. -Only Public Hearing on Redistricting Wednesday 10am

Short notice. check. Limited public input. check. Public likely to be ignored. check. Angry and pissed off Wisconsinite....

Weekend Round Up

Here's the news I have . . . city, county, schools, state and things that didn't quite make the news.

The city week ahead . . .

This was 3/4 of the way done yesterday . . . and I just didn't quite get it done.

End of Slow Week Friday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have . . .

Immigrant Workers “Thrown Under the Bus” by Senate Dems

It's hard to believe, but it seems that in this climate of fear and social conflict, Senate Democrats have decided to make life harder...

Council Recap, Part I of III

Everything except the alcohol issues . . . sorry its late, but there were 26 pages of notes and I went out for a beer after the meeting . . . that's what you get for free! But you won't find it anywhere else . . . this is what didn't make the news. There's some interesting issues that were discussed for a change.

Hmmm, still not much news Round Up

Guess everyone is on vacation? GENERAL M&I PAYS MILLIONS TO LEADERS WHO FAILED Good job if you can get it. And we all pay. But...

Business to Cozy up to Local Elected Officials

City Council and County Board schmoozefests planned. Sponsored by DMI, the Chamber, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Smart Growth Greater Madison -...

Wednesday Morning “Not Much News” Round Up

Holiday week . . . so, this post is weak. GENERAL NEW DOWNTOWN BED AND BREAKFAST I'm so glad someone is doing something with this house! ...

Council Talks Naked

Two amendments to the ordinance. From: Clear, Mark Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 1:55 PM To: ALL ALDERS Cc: May, Michael; Mayor Subject: Proposed amendments to item 93 (public...

What will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Getting naked and downtown drinking. No joke, that's what they are planning to talk about tonight, check it out for yourself.

4th of July Weekend Recap

Not much by way of news, at least not the news I'm interested in