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Wednesday and Thursday Round Up

You know this routine, this is what I have . . . sorry I didn't finish yesterday morning, distracted by work and SB107

Wednesday & Thursday Morning Not in the News Round Up

This got long, so I made it a separate post, the rest is on its way.

City Attorney as Policy Maker Council Recap

Seems funny when the council and now the mayor end up arguing the law with the city attorney on the council floor. That shouldn't happen, they should trust that he is giving good legal advice, but when the City Attorney acts like a policy maker and tells them he doesn't need to answer their questions, what's an elected official to do. With bk comments.

Council Consent Agenda for Tonight

Looks like two items are of interest.

Want to Learn to Make Your Own Video?

Camera and editing classes this month as well as July and August!

Channel 3000 Irresponsible Editorial.

Either they have inside information about something and are doing the bidding of the developer, or they are WAY off base. This is the editorial in question. Sorry, its about the Edgewater, but hey, they brought it up!

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's the items I found of interest in the news, and a few that were not in the news.

Brief Plan Commission Recap

As I'm writing this, they're still talking and I just didn't feel like typing 5or 6 or more hours so I watched the meeting and here's the highlights.

Tenants and Their Allies Should Watch Where They Shop!

Here's the M&I and Johnsonville version of businesses tenants and their supporters might want to avoid as they are members of the Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin who supported SB107 and are supporting AB155 that is up before the Assembly Housing Committee Wednesday at 10:00 that will strip tenants in Madison of their current protections. (Read more here)

Not in the news round up

Ok, cleaned up some of my inbox . . . . this is what I've got after sorting out over a weeks worth of 100s of emails. I feel like I might have a handle on my to do list now!

Long Weekend Round Up

I took Friday off and went to Ifdakamp . . . so here's a bit longer round up.

(City) Week Ahead . . . Maybe, Kinda, Sorta

Certain to change . . . but here's what I have for now.