Home Media Page 289


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting

Most Effective Sit In Ever!

It would have happened today at noon and 6:00

Major Correction!

Council fixes their mistake.

MG&E’s Poor Judgement

I don't know, this sounds like really bad judgement. And the fact they weren't trying to fix the problem is awful. Business interests vs. safety.

Answering Bridget’s Question

Why can't homeless get services?

Guide to the $250M Human Services Budget

This is the "social workers guide" to the human services budget, with bk comments to make it easier for those who do not work in human services. Remember, this is what was submitted by the department, we will hear how County Executive Joe Parisi makes changes to this the first week in October.

County Week Ahead

Because the county mails their agendas, these are usually all here on Mondays - I wish we could find a happy medium of having materials on time, and available electronically.

Change One: Cuz there had to be one!

Yeah - 3 days and they still couldn't get the entire weeks agenda together before Monday morning. And they are meeting on July 4th!!! 10am?

What the Council Plans to Talk About Tonight (Updated)

Nothing? No items of interest for any council members? I highly doubt it.

Council Recap 9/17 (Part II) – Lamp House and Property Owner Arrogance

Continuing on from here, after the first hour and a half of the council meeting.

City Week Ahead

Likely about 2/3rds here . . . expect changes.