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City Week Ahead

Still going strong before the holidays - 27 meetings - 3 are cancelled and of course the Police Policy Review Committee agenda is never available on Monday for their Thursday meeting. Only 3 of the meetings are before 4:00, which is also quite unusual!

Draft City of Madison Blogging Policy

This was on the agenda for the Common Council Organizational Committee to discuss the night of the Edgewater, and the meeting was cancelled, and...

Tony Robinson: Why’d the Insurance Company Settle?

A week before going to trial, the insurance company - a professional risk assessor - found the risk to be too great, approached the family and settled for $3.35M. They apparently also asked the family to wait to say anything - meanwhile, had the police union, Chief Koval and the Mayor all out there complaining about the settlement, playing the victim and once again blaming the family and their supporters. Question is, what motivated the insurance company to settle? Let's take a look!

City Week Ahead

Council Meeting, Neighborh Roundtable and more!

Alcohol Bans in Parks – Where and when

The other day I was talking to one of my homeless friends that that lives on the street and he told me that the police told him to drink in Law Park, and I thought that was strange and told him I was going to look that up and let him know what the law said, because I thought it was banned there (and I voted against it). Then I noticed that Clausius and Ahrens were banning alcohol in Mayfair and Sherry (O.B.) Park. So, here's the info, which parks can you drink in, when and where and how

Transportation Budget up for Vote on Friday…

Late Update: Most transportation issues have been pushed off until next week.  JFC ended up passing a motion with reduced cuts to the Stewardship...

Judge Doyle Square, Final Agreement?

Of course, the one thing the city negotiators conceded on was the Labor Peace Agreement . . . and it appears to have cost us $1.25M more? (notes on "fee structure" are unclear to me) Board of Estimates will be discussing this tonight . . . in closed session . . . public beware.

Dane County Human Service Budget Briefing

This is from last Wednesday, a week ago, but the information is important. The County gave back $6,243,062 in budgeted funds for Human Services to the General Fund . . . just think what that could have funded. $6.2 MILLION DOLLARS! And yet we scrap and fight every year over $10,000 or $20,000 or even $80,000 for small programs. $90,000 would have kept TRC funded to serve people outside the City of Madison. Public hearings on the 15th. Note: Read the Q&A and the supplemental (lack of) information. If the public feels left in the dark most of the time, its no wonder, county board supervisors can't even get information about what's going on with shelters and the day center.

District 6 Smear Campaign . . . An Official Backfire!

This isn't the first time, its not the last, but it is a little unusual. It's no Bruno (2001) - but still unacceptable and probably just the beginning of the smear tactics in the last few days of the campaign.

Scott Walker was right….

Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said: "We're Broke and Can't Negotiate." Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...
Round Up

Tuesday Round Up (10//8/19) & Mo’ Meetings

Cancelled meetings, News, Starkweather Creek PFAS statement from Mayor, flooding updates and more.

April 2nd Election Day

Today is election day and its incredibly important that we show up in force today to VOTE! I Highly recommend: 1. Ed Fallone...