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Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...

Stunning Housing News

Wait lists are so long for public housing they are closing the housing lists as of March 1st. I haven't seen it this bad in the 20 years I've been working in housing.

Gov 2.0 and Madison, Part I: Government as a Platform in Madison

This is Part I of a three part series. What is this Gov 2.0 stuff I’m writing about, and how is it even relevant to Madison? We’ll use Madison Metro as an example application.

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools

Managing Scarce Homeless and Housing Services

Here's a little frustration of mine with homeless and housing services. Here today, gone tomorrow (or next week). Too much need!

So Who Won?

How did all those groups that made endorsements do? Who can expect support for their issues on the Council (and elsewhere)?

County Week Ahead

Government grinds along . . . budget being hammered out.

The Next Homeless Emergency – All Week? (Updated – 1)

Bad weather coming up next week (or weeks?), no plans. -30 windchill predicted on Tuesday and no one works over the weekend to coordinate plans. cold

City Week Ahead

Well, here's what is currently known . . . expect changes as per usual . . .

Downtown Thursday Trash Pick up Becomes Daily

Hippie Christmas! Garbage picked up daily downtown, but please, please, please, please, please don;t dump your stuff on our streets.

Daytime Meetings City Week Ahead

22 meetings start before 5:00, if you work til 5:00, there are 5 out of the 32 meetings you might be able to get to on time. Do you get teh feeling that anyone in city hall cares about this issue? Anyone?

Open Letter to John Strasser

Regarding Privilege and Discrimination