Home Media Page 29


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

City Operating Budget Initial Presentations

I missed the capital budget, but I"m determined to get the operating budget done! We'll see . . . I tend to be a little too optimistic about my time!

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Potentially nothing. No alders have separated any items for discussion - however, public hearing items or items the public shows up to speak on might be discussed.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

I found 6 meetings . . . I'm sure there are more . . .

Day Center Neighborhood Meeting “blow by blow”

I did it on facebook.

Mayor Caught in a Lie?

During the meetings on the bench ordinance, the mayor spoke multiple times saying some things that made no sense. He also put them...

Why I Left The Catholic Church

They say a picture says 1000 words and this one most certainly does. When the Bishop of my Catholic Church decides to...

City Meetings Added in the last 28 hours . . .

I am so annoyed by this . . . 4 so far . . . including the FREAKING ETHICS BOARD! There is no hope. The disregard towards the public is so engrained in the culture of city hall after Mayor Dave it is pathetic. Where are the watchdogs to make this better? We need Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway back!

Overture Amendments

The "Plan B" or private-private model, which is still a public-private model has a few issues yet to resolved. As many as the first model, I suspect. The council has just 21 recommendations for changes. If this takes as long as budget, they'll be there for a good 7 hours or more on just this item alone.

Upcoming Demolitions

I have done this since the end of October so here are some since then.

New Overture Center Director

Here's the hype.

What’s Going on at the County?

Last week, not only did I have a little chat with County Board Chair Scott McDonell . . . I also had a little chat with County Executive Kathleen Falk . . . check it out!

Alders Behaving Suspiciously

So, when someone submits a proposal to the city, with a clear scoring system, you expect those doing the scoring to be fair, right? Well, two alders can make a big swing in the scoring if they want to. Check out what happened with the one of the James Madison Park Houses.