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County Week Ahead

Experiencing technical difficulties - can't access the site while I'm trying to blog . . .

District 13 Machinations

Lost track, but are they down to 9 candidates vying to fill Sue Ellingson's seat.

Fighting to Put Homeless Services Where the Homeless Can’t Reach Them

Dane County Takes Legal Action to Stop Town of Madison Continued Obstruction of Homeless Day Resource Center

What’s Going to Happen to the DOA Building Employees?

Will they get run over by the train?

Another Round Up

So many meetings and things going on now that the holidays are over. ChiliOCRACY, Dane County TimeBank events, Community Building and Empowerment Funding, Emerging Opportunities Program, Street Closure 300 Block W. Dayton, Permaculture Guild Visioning Sessions, Green Downtown Program, Low-income dental clinic closing and Chief Koval community meetings.

The Prop 8 ruling and the Supreme Court

Judge Walker’s decision in the Prop 8 trial is brilliant, and a wonderful affirmation of the liberty of all people to marry whomever God’s plan has ordained for them, regardless of the genders involved. I also agree that it’s clearly aimed at Anthony Kennedy, for a potential Supreme Court showdown. But there’s a good chance it will never get there.

“Broken” Process Public Hearings Rescheduled

I missed the Economic Development Committee meeting last Wednesday, so I was a bit confused about why the public hearings were not on the...

Progressive Dane: City Must Act Swiftly to Address Police Killing

The press release sent out last night calling on the council to act.

One of the Best Services in Low-Income Neighborhoods . . .

Another casualty of the County budget?

Wow. City-County Building has near 50 people sleeping there now.

Even I was surprised when I walked out of the City-County Building last night, there were likely about 50 people sleeping out there, nearly doubling what it has been recently. And that number may grow. Makes the Occupy encampments start to look good.

What is this committee voting on tonight?

This is the City-County Liaison Committee, so it has alders, county board supervisors and the county executive's and mayor's office representatives on it, so you'd think they could get this right. This committee makes final decisions and there are no other votes on these matters, so whatever they decide is final. Sure would be nice to know what they are voting on. All three items are a bit of a mystery to me and they meet tonight.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Trying to keep up with the round up this week!