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Tenant Resource Center Opens Office on UW-Madison Campus

That's right, we now have 4 offices! Our Willy St office, our Housing Help Desk on Aberg Ave. at the Dane County Job Center, our Milwaukee office and now ASM Office on campus!

The Plundering of Village(Cottage Grove)Government!

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” – Thomas...

The City Week Ahead

This will either get finished before 11:00, or tomorrow.

Comprehensive Plan – On to the Controversial Items

The phase one, the easy part is near done. Now, on to the changes the developers want, and the neighborhoods don't. The big changes people were aware of were at Grandview Commons Grocery and Cherokee Marsh, but you will want to check out the other changes too.

No More Real Player!

Ok, this is a bit of a geeky matter, but we should see some very real improvement to the city channel on-line presence. They've crawled out of the cave they were in and moved forward . .. . check it out!

M&I Shoves Protesters, Evicts Homeless Woman

Despite what some people might think, I had nothing to do with this action, or organizing this, or writing the press release. I've been too busy with work and WYOU to have time to participate or even support the group. I'm simply an ally that supports the efforts of mainly homeless and formerly homeless people to do what they need to do. Cuz what we are doing, is not working.

Some Good Tax News For Madison

An extra half a million dollars in nothing to sneeze at . . .

Paul Ryan Watch

A bunch of us started up a new blog today.... The Paul Ryan Watch With everything that has happened in Madison at the...

Rookie Mistake, Or Bad Aldering?

Wow. I'm blown away by the following press release that Alder Lisa Subeck, former advocate for the homeless and affordable housing and the poor, turned politician put out earlier today.

This Board of Estimates is Different Recap (Part II)

Sister cities, farming city parks, BREWD grant for Royster Clark, Development Review Process Report, undergrounding utilities (who pays and how the work gets done)...

Heidt Questions Voter ID Need and Cost

$7.4 million? I thought we were broke, but not too broke to prevent people from voting.

This Board of Estimates is Different Recap (Part I)

No Tim Bruer, No Dave Cieslewicz, No Jed Sanborn. No Mark Clear. And a return to ,minimal bk comments.