Soglin’s Side of the Monday Protest Story
Kyle drew a little attention with his post questioning the Mayor's role and promises with the protests on Monday. Blaska vowed to get to the bottom of it. I had already asked and got and answer from Soglin but not the police and shared that with Kyle, so Kyle made a clarification . . . but here's what Soglin said.
Redistricting Updates
From city staff . . .
A Clarification
Not to drag this issue on longer than it should, but I feel it necessary to more clearly elucidate a few things said in...
Tonight’s Council Agenda Items
Well, for what it is worth, this is what they may or may not talk about. There are a couple retirements, a forensics presentation and Steve's Liquor that will take longer than all this probably.
Why Did Soglin Call in the Cops on Union Protesters?
Yesterday's march from Madison's Fire Station 1 to the Walkerville camp and around the Capitol - stopping by the criminal M&I Bank along the...
Scott Walker was right….
Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said:
"We're Broke and Can't Negotiate."
Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...
Walkerville Takes on Healthcare
Today's topic! Healthcare! Complete with a boxing match! Join them at noon and 7:00!
Fall Ride the Drive Back on?
On again, off again, on again?
Help the City Save $8M
No, not this year's TIF for the Edgewater, but another neighborhood issue, this one on the far west side.
Local Officials Speak Out Against Pridemore’s Arizona Style Immigration Law
A County Board Supervisor and City of Madison Alder make a statement. Good to see their leadership on this.
Tuesday Morning Round Up
Sorry I skipped the weekend, but here's this morning's round up.
Cottage Grove – Leadership Institute
It has been said that the people lead and the government follows. There have been many examples of this throughout history. Pressure...