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MLK (City) Week Ahead

Short week again . . .

Tavern League Endorses Who in the County Exec Race?


Another Example of Elected Officials Shut Down by Lawsuits/City Attorney?

This time, Kipp. There hasn't been a neighborhood meeting since 2012 and people want to know why . . . I'm guessing I know the answer . . . cuz Marsha Rummel, queen of the neighborhood meeting, certainly isn't afraid of her constituents!!! And, on the topic covered here beyond public meetings, is this how we handle environmental health issues in this city, county and state? Hand the communications details with the neighbors over to the corporate polluters? And then if they don't inform people, people don't know, and they don't ask questions. We like to believe we live in a city that encourages public participation, but Maria asks a good question "What is democracy in Madison coming to when public health agencies hand over this important risk communication task to the corporate polluter?"

Live (ish) Council Recap

Sorry, no time to do more than type this as its happening and hope it works out ok!

Fair Wisconsin . . . Not Fair?

Fair Wisconsin often has progressives rolling their eyes about their endorsements that usually follow the Democratic Party endorsements. This one, has me scratching my head . . .

Weekend and Monday’s Capitol Events

Monday is the anniversary of when Dr. Martin Luther King got shot, so the unions are pulling out the stops and wanting to get everyone to the capitol in a Memphis to Madison rally. Here's the events they are promoting. And some others I think are of interest. And please, ask your favorite local candidate what kind of help they need this weekend, Monday and Tuesday as they struggle to get the word about about their candidacy with all these distractions.

Occupy Madison Tiny House Village Plant Sale Tomorrow

Tomorrow 11 - 3 at 304 N. 3rd Street. Live music, food, plants for sale, OM goods for sale, tours of the village, raffle tickets for sale, and a chance to help us raise money for "phase II" of our project to add a kitchen and community room, which allows us to put more houses on the site. (see below for raffle prizes)

More Details on former Police Chief Rev. David Couper 1:00 Press Conference Today

Speakers changed a little, but this is the latest info I have . . . I suspect this is a game changer.

Dust off your green tights . . .

And prepare to do your best Robin Hood . . .

City Week Ahead

Only 14 meetings, only 6 start after 5:00, the rest are during the day when many are at work. Make sure to check back for more meetings - the good news of getting agendas out on time isn't really panning out.

Bus Riders Needed!

Please read, your help needed.

Tonight: Local Solutions to the Opioid Epidemic

What policy and budget solutions do we need in our community to end the deaths right here in Dane County? A great panel of experts will share their solutions!