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Bus Riders Needed!

Please read, your help needed.

This Might Be the City Week Ahead

What it looks like as of this morning, as always, watch for adds to the weekly schedule, cuz there are always meetings they add throughout the week.

Support Nonviolent Civil Disobedience to the Budget

As Brenda  posted earlier today, protesters interrupted yesterday's Joint Finance Commitee meeting, reading prepared declarations against the massive cuts to education and elimination of in-state...

Friday Morning Round Up

3 days in a row, not a habit yet . . . but forming. And with a little attitude this morning. It's nice to have more opinion, less reporting. :)

Ride the Drive Details – Including some info on how to move downtown

To me, this event is kind of a pain in the ass. Because of the one-way street we live on, we're kind of trapped . . . along with the about 15 - 20 cars per hour that drive down the one way street the wrong way risking car accidents by not stopping because there is no stop sign when going the wrong way. Kinda fun, kinda scary to watch. No police or volunteers in sight to help with the traffic issues people just fend for themselves and make up the traffic rules and the poor visitors are just completely confused because there is no signage about where to go. In short, it creates a mess in my residential neighborhood that is outside the loop. But maybe that is the intent?

Civil Disobedience Comes to Joint Finance

In a new and different way. People carried out of the Joint Finance Committee meeting yesterday. Here's the statement on that action and what they were trying to read as they were carried out.

Boombox the Wasteland!

The creativity of Madison is always intriguing to me . . . looks like another creative event!

Get Thyself Back to the Capitol

Rallies ramp up as the budget is set to be passed. I can't keep all the events straight, but here's a few alerts taken from several sources. Please add some in the comments if I missed them!

Thursday Morning Round Up

Day two . . . of attempting the return of the round up.

28 Demolition Notices This Year . . . So Far

I've been kinda slacking on the demolition notices, so here there are since January 1, in case I missed some. Will remain more vigilant moving forward. In all, there 28 demolition notices so far this year. If I got this right, it is 7 multi-unit residential properties, 9 single family homes, 8 commercial buildings plus the Bethel House and St. Paul's Chapel and 2 vacant lots. Some of the information is pretty vague.

The Return of the Round Up?

I'm not making any promises, but here's a round up of Monday news and maybe a bit from the weekend. It's a little tough, cuz there isn't much news left in this town, but here's my shot at it.

No Room at the Inn.

15 nights this year, families were turned away from the Salvation Army's overflow shelter, because even the overflow homeless shelter was full. Why is it that families and children get turned away, but single men have multiple overflow shelters? And the men's shelter doesn't turn anyone away when it gets too cold but the families have a strict lifetime limit in shelter.