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Officer Shooting Police Department Procedure Changes

Here's the memo and updated standard operating procedure from the Madison Police Department regarding Officer Involved Critical Incidents.

So, What Does the Council Want to Do About Homelessness?

Here's the council discussion after some very moving testimony about Occupy Madison and what it means for homeless individuals living there, about what it is like to be homeless and about how the homeless services in this town may not work for everyone who is homeless.

Organics – City Program to Collect Food Waste, Etc.

Week three of the pilot program.

City Council Operating Budget – Live Blogged

Here we go again . . .

Put Our Transportation Problems on the Radar!

According to WISDOT, the next State budget will have $680 million more in planned transportation spending than is projected to come in from gas...

Occu-Potluck at Occu-Camp!

The Occupiers are back! Well, they've been scattered all over, but they never went away . . .

And the plot thickens . . .

Turns out . . . City Attorney Michael May has a little more explaining to do . . . there are more holes in his justification for having to pay Police Chief Michael Koval's legal fees than I realized when I posted yesterday! Two major pieces of info to add . . . h/t to Greg Gelembiuk!

Random Round Up

Public Market Forum and meetings, Warner Park Visioning, Neighborhood House Community Rummage Sale, Madcity Chickens 2015 Backyard Coop Tour and Madison Bus Route changes.

Tavern League Endorses Who in the County Exec Race?


NO LINKS City Week Ahead

We'll see if this is accurate . . . unlikely.

WISPIRG Funding Report Follow up

Earlier this week I posted a quick heads up: WISPIRG Releases a Must Read Report on Road Funding. On Wednesday I talked with WISPIRG's...

New Council and Mayor First Meeting Recap

And Mayor Soglin was in his seat and started the meeting on time!