Home Media Page 293


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Add 5 More Meetings . . . or 6?

One is even today.

Capital Budget Amendments Out!

They will be considered at the Board of Estimates meeting on Monday.

Here’s Your New City Council!

We now have 4 people of color on the council, two incumbents are unseated and we have 7 new members of the council!

Police “Community Outreach” a.k.a. spin.

Spin, spin, spin. Seems like they want trouble.

Lengthy Random Round Up

Lots going on, little time, so catching up with lots of things all at once! Arranged by when things are happening, but the end has a random round up of not time specific items.

Mayor Grabs More Power

In response to questions about how and when the latest committee to look at the houses in James Madison Park was formed and appointed, we get this from the city attorney's office - unlike the past 12 - 15 years that I have been paying attention - now, the Mayor just is making appointments without Council approval. Even when the staff who ordered it doesn't know what I'm talking about.

Chief Koval: Step Out of the Ring by Amelia Royko

Love will prevail for it surpasses all horizons and so will Brandi Grayson.

Mo’ Mo’ Meetings

Here's 5 more to add to the other four

Joe Parisi: How Would Dane County Be Different?

Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?

Tavern League Endorses Who in the County Exec Race?


Another Example of Elected Officials Shut Down by Lawsuits/City Attorney?

This time, Kipp. There hasn't been a neighborhood meeting since 2012 and people want to know why . . . I'm guessing I know the answer . . . cuz Marsha Rummel, queen of the neighborhood meeting, certainly isn't afraid of her constituents!!! And, on the topic covered here beyond public meetings, is this how we handle environmental health issues in this city, county and state? Hand the communications details with the neighbors over to the corporate polluters? And then if they don't inform people, people don't know, and they don't ask questions. We like to believe we live in a city that encourages public participation, but Maria asks a good question "What is democracy in Madison coming to when public health agencies hand over this important risk communication task to the corporate polluter?"

Live (ish) Council Recap

Sorry, no time to do more than type this as its happening and hope it works out ok!