Home Media Page 293


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Items Council Members Want to Talk About Tonight

Everything else on the agenda (see items of interest here) will be passed with the recommendation unless someone shows up to talk about it or its a public hearing or a council member pulls it off at the last minute.

Dane County Human Services Budget Summary

Love the bureaucratese - "All shelter, housing case management, information and referral, and food pantry and clothing distribution services are maintained at their 2015 budgeted levels." Funny, cutting 1/3 of the Tenant Resource Center budget makes it feel like something in that sentence is disingenuous. The "services" realistically can't be "maintained" when it comes to tenants in Dane County outside the City of Madison - what other agency has the knowledge, resources and skills that the Tenant Resource Center has?

1st Time in 8 years! Cost of Living Increases for Nonprofits

Right as we're (Tenant Resource Center) getting defunded . . . yeah, that makes sense!

(What’s left of the) City Week Ahead

Vacation slowed me down . . . so I can do 80% . . .

County Board to Vote on their Budget Tonight?

This budget season at the county board has been harder to follow than ever, and that's saying something since its near impossible to figure out their budget. But it might all be over tonight.

County Week Ahead

Vote Tuesday! No meetings. Final budget meeting for Personnel and Finance - uber amendment out on Tuesday!

Things Going On Around Town Round Up

Not a media round up - but a round up of various emails I get about events, presentations, input sessions, etc.

City Week Ahead

Work til 5:00, local government is not for you! You might make it to three meetings.

32! Meetings at the City Week Ahead

Wow. I wonder if its long because people are trying to get their notices in by Friday at noon so it is included...

Changes (Adds and Cancels) to City Weekly Schedule (More Cancellation Updates!)

You knew there would be changes! Currently, 5 of them . . .

More About School Choice!

We recently brought you the story of how much money the public school privateers are willing to spend in order to profit off of...

Kinda Dismal Overture Update

So, how are they doing on their commitments in the structural agreement?