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WORT Needs Help from Cooks!

For all of you who have that special recipe . . . this is your chance to be in a cookbook!

Revisiting the Battle of Miffland

I'm volunteering for Capitol Neighborhoods at the Mifflin St Block Party to help inform people at the event what to expect (I feel obligated, I voted on the exec committee to help sponsor the event) . . . we've come a long way from where it started.

Are you kidding….follow up

I wanted to follow up to this post. Where some anti-education individuals from Cottage Grove complained that a note was sent...


I asked someone in city hall, who has been around for a long time, what they thought of the "new council" and after first pausing they said it was "average". I laughed. That sums it up perfectly.

We Have No Money.

I recently talked to an alder who said every conversation with the new Mayor starts off with "we have no money." Here's why.

Spring Bike Fair

Want something less political this weekend, on May Day, this might be it.

Dane County Recount Report

Here is a report from Steve Brist in the City Attorney's office.

County Redistricting Update

They will also be having public hearings in May. Updates thanks to Melissa Sargent.

Green Madison

Energy efficiency assistance for homeowners.

Redistricting Updates

Committee meets tonight, the council meets tomorrow and community meetings coming up. If you care about who your next alder might be, and who else might be in your district, now is the time to pay attention.

May Day Rally

Madison will March for Immigrant and Workers' Rights on May First

Students Confront Biddy Martin over Privatization Plan

More than 150 students and community members rallied on Bascom Hall yesterday and and confronted Biddy Martin with a list of demands regarding the...