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Council Discussion on Participatory Budgeting

This discussion was from the CCOC (Common Council Organizational Committee), two days before the Mayor discussion on the budget There's a little discussion about this on thedailypage forum, which I don't really totally understand what they are talking about, I don't know if its about this discussion below, or this post or information from this post. Either way, it started out mis-informed and has just twisted all the facts. (Shocking! I know!) So, here's the discussion that was had about participatory budgeting.

Debate Scheduled for District 48

Election dates to fill Parisi's seat finally announced! July 12th for the primary, August 9th for the general. So, time to have a debate!

May is Historic Preservation Month

Event on Thursday, Walking Tours this summer, and don't forget about the FREE house!

Issues the Council Members Want to Work on this Year

This is from the CCOC (Common Council Organizational Committee) last week. The issue is what will this committee, which is the only "council members only" committee will work on. It's a chance for the members of the committee to talk about what they thought were priorities for them to work on. Generally, these would be council related issues. Here's what they came up with. And my comments.

Redistricting Update

Update from Brian Grady, the city staff for the City Redistricting Committee. Meeting tomorrow night, but its not on the weekly schedule. ...

Board of Estimates Recap

Police overtime, but not Overture . . . and an interesting discussion about pesticides, green roofs, downtown multi-modal transportation plan and the sustainability plan. More cheers for Paul Soglin! Love this guy! [with bk comments]

What a Goofy Press Release

"Click it or Ticket" is about what?

Gypsy Moth Spraying Starts Today

Watch for those low flying planes. 15 sites in Dane County, 12 in the City of Madison.

Google and Smart Phone Apps for Madison Bus Schedules

Ah, all these technology upgrdes in the city . . . it's lovely!

Meetings Added Yesterday to the Week Ahead

The "Weekly Schedule" expanded as usual . . . here's the updates.

Andy Heidt Condemns Proposed Unraveling of Wisconsin’s Health Care Safety Net

Defending BadgerCare and Medicaid . . . and condemning Scott Walker's plans de jour to decimate the state.

What Might be the City Week Ahead

Watch for additional meetings of Senior Center Board, Vending Oversight, Redistricting and likely others