A Note on Jeremi Suri’s Departure from UW-Madison
The campus buzz is that History Professor Jeremi Suri is off to UT-Austin, set to double his salary from $113,000 to $220,000.
In the Cap...
This Saturday, May 21st, is “CityCampMadison”
The idea behind a CityCamp is to bring together people who are interested in "Civic Entrepreneurship" - creating solutions...
A New City Budget Process to Include YOU!
Wow. This is what some of us progressives have been dreaming about for a long time. Words like "participatory budgeting" being spoken by the staunchest Democrats! And Soglin has a vision for how to do city budgeting better. The council seemed a little more trapped in their ways and couldn't seem to figure out how it might work, but had some ideas.
Participatory Budgeting in Madison?
Meeting tonight to hear initial projections for the budget. Rummel has requested that CCOC talk about participatory budgeting. Here's some info on tonight and participatory budgeting.
Will the Voter ID bill be in effect in every ward?
The Wisconsin Assembly passed the "Keep Democrats From Voting in Wisconsin" bill in a 60-35 vote (all republicans and inexplicably 2 democrats) voted...
City Council Recap – Part I
A day late, but here it is!
School Board Budget Meetings (Updated)
Wow, this was totally off my radar this year! Budget hearings are tonight and Sunday afternoon.
County Redistricting Delayed
They would have voted on it tonight, but are delaying for more input from areas like Sun Prairie and others.
To Merge or Not To Merge….
In the Village of Cottage Grove and the Town of Cottage Grove that really is not the question of the moment. The question...
Items to be discussed at Common Council tonight
Here's the items the alders separated and want to talk about for one reason or another.
Let the (Capital City) Budget Begin!
Mayor Paul Soglin puts out his capital budget targets with an eye towards how much money we have to spend in the operating budget to pay back our capital spending spree we've been on.
“Proposed” B-Cycle Locations
Um . . . "proposed" but phase one will be done by Sunday. And phase 2 will be done 10 days later.