Home Media Page 295


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Short, Mayorless Board of Estimates Meeting

Short but sweet.

Two-Way Johnson/Gorham Study Results

Of course, the results are no surprise given the staff dislike of the project. Do you even need to look at the results?

City Week Ahead

This looks kinda messed up - I see 6 meetings in legistar that aren't on the weekly schedule and no indication that they are being cancelled. That's more than usual, in addition to the 4-10 "late" meetings that usually pop up - so, stay tuned! Tonight is budget night at the finance committee!

I had this plan . . .

It's really hard to edit at work when there are all kinds of interruptions and lost trains of thought, so I thought I'd edit at home and blog at work . . .

Am I Worthy? Am I from Madison?

Wow, I said Soglin has gone nuts - now is he just lying? This Mayoral hatred of the homeless is getting really bizarre

County Week Ahead

Didn't even get this started last week, again, apologies.

Board of Estimates Recap

40 minutes, I should get this one done! Yikes, I just have no time for blogging any more!

What’s the Council Talking about Tonight?

These items, and anything anyone shows up to talk about.

Oh, the Water . . .

I got that Van Morrison song stuck in my head. Here's an update about water and the lakes.

Other Meetings of Interest this Week

A few meetings that aren't on the official roster but of interest . . .

Policies for the Capital Budget

Ever wonder what is in the capital budget and why . . . here's a start.

The Future of Madison Policing