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FAQs on Changes at Salvation Army

Of course, the last question is quite concerning to me. Lots of assumptions, no communication that I am aware of. But its all concerning, I sure hope it all works out, wish there had been community discussion on this issue, instead of just an announcement of the changes. You'd think the Homeless Services Consortium would have had a presentation on this.

Brief Plan Commission Recap

As I'm writing this, they're still talking and I just didn't feel like typing 5or 6 or more hours so I watched the meeting and here's the highlights.

What will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Getting naked and downtown drinking. No joke, that's what they are planning to talk about tonight, check it out for yourself.

All Aboard “The Magic Bus”?

With 20 Madison Alders? Is the picture in your head right now this . . .

Use Messner’s Site for Affordable Housing

Seems like a no-brainer, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha . . . it's not, and it's not the neighborhood that is likely to be the problem . . . please tell your alders (allalders@cityofmadison.com) and supervisors (county_board_recipients@co.dane.wi.us ) to help support affordable housing in this location!!!

City Week Ahead

Only 7 of the weeks 20 meetings are in legistar, meaning, I have no idea where to find the minutes and agendas of previous meetings of these groups and they don't have attachments to see what they are talking about. Also, 12 meetings are held before 5pm. :(

County Week Ahead

8 meetings.

How to Decide to Demolish a Landmark

George Austin kept saying that we had to think about what was going to go in place of the landmarked buildings or that is should "add value" if we demolished a landmark when talking about the project on the 100 State St block. That was still bugging me, I don't see that anywhere in the standards for demolishing a landmark. He also said that Landmarks Commission made a recommendation to the Plan Commission about a demolition, which also, clearly was not true. They issue a Certificate of Appropriateness and its appealed to the council (think Edgewater). For his comments see here. For the real standards and procedure, see below.

County Week Ahead

5 meetings at 4:00 or before, 2 after. :(

Occupy Madison to Be Shut Down Today? (Updated)

They don't plan to apply for a permit. You might want to get down there if you care and you can.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Edgwwater, Exact Sciences TIF, Public Art, Placemaking and more . . .

City Council Operating Budget – Live Blogged

Here we go again . . .