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Judge Doyle Square Going Down? (Live Blog)

Live blog means lotsa typos, I'll update as often as I can and still try to keep up, and that means you'll probably have to refresh more frequently than usual. Probably no time to answer tweets and facebook and emails if I'm going to catch the majority of this . . .

Random Round Up

It's September and local government is getting back to work, and I'm swamped at my work and can't cover it (boo hoo), so here's a random round up of some things going on you might want to know about . . .

Evicted! Right Here in Dane County!!!

Join us on Thursday to discuss the UW-Madison Urban and Regional Planning Evicted in Dane County, Wisconsin, A Collaborative Examination of the Housing Landscape. (See Below for Major Findings)

Dane County Budget Wars Heating Up Too

Human Services yet again looking at cutting "non-mandated services" in favor of "mandated services" which of course includes cutting all housing and homelessness programs which are "non-mandated".

Thuy Pham-Remmele to Sheriff Mahoney

What in the world is this about? And why were others cc'd on this?

Scott Walker: Stuck in the 70’s

Scott Walker’s recent letter to Ray LaHood begging to divert high speed rail funding into highway expansions reveals a significant gap in his understanding of transportation policy and technology. Will Wisconsin pay the price for his nostalgic views on transportation?

Mo’ Meetings

Sigh . . . 3 more city meetings . . . .

Special Union Contract City Council Meeting Thursday

Here it is, when the agenda is out, I will link it.

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Round Up

In terms of getting press for something you care about, I can't think of a worse thing to happen to a press conference, than for the County Executive to announce her surprise resignation an hour before your press conference.

East Side Business Associations Mayoral Forum

Watch the video and a quick recap. Also my comments about how the candidates did.

Evil Returns . . .

September 13th . . . the Legislature goes back into session. There are two rallies planned for that evening. We're starting to hear what's on the agenda, here's a little taste of the treats they have in store for us!

Message to Overture Employees

Oh . . . and . . . the council. From: Carto, Thomas Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:34 AM To: ALL ALDERS Subject: FW: Message to Staff To...