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United Way Seeking Input

I keep seeing more and more requests for input. Feels awkward because I work for a non-United Way Agency, but it seems they want community input and you should give it to them

City Week Ahead

It's a week where if you care about city government and attend meetings you'll have to be in three places at once, especially tonight.

EDC Changes Plans . . . New Hearing Date and Time

Uh . . . duh . . . shows you how close they are following one of their allegedly important issues . . . makes me wonder if they have any credibility discussing planning . . .

WYOU Moving On . . .

This is what has been distracting me all week, (I'm on the board of WYOU as well as being a producer) . . . laying off three very good people and trying to figure out what needs to be done to keep the station running. What the station will become in this new era is up to us! If you want to help, let me know! And, hey, if you can donate, please do. It's more important than ever!

What will the Council talk about tonight?

Looks like 3 items, plus anything the public shows up to speak to or public hearing items.

County Week Ahead

8 meetings, 1 cancelled, 1 agenda not available, so here's the info I have on the 6 meetings.

Join Me in a Ginormous Happy Dance!!!

Democracy, equity, sunshine, open government, and, well, me (and you), all get to score a point today! And when you see the city clerk, tell her (and whomever helped make this decision) thank you! Thank you! Thank you! hugehappyface2 purplehappydancegirl hugehappyface

Pathetic Public Process, Again

So, last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I attended the meeting of the Urban Design Commission to hear the latest on the 700 E Washington/Gebhardt project. I showed up at 5:20 at the same time as 2 of the 4 members of the public that showed up - and the item scheduled for 5:25 had already finished the presentation and taken public comment.

Dogs at Festivals

Tonight the Council will be voting on if you should be able to bring your dog to local festivals. I read the newspaper...

Dec. 21 – Homeless Person’s Memorial Service

The longest day of the year . . . also one of the saddest.

A Pain on Tony’s Mother Can Know

In Andrea's own words:

Two Meetings This Week on the Bench Ordinance

So, the meeting tonight is publicly noticed on the Weekly Schedule, the EOC meeting on Thursday is not. yet. noticed. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. If you can't make it, read on to get email addresses to let the committee members know what you think.