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What we now know about the Veterans Housing on E. Washington Ave.

It sounds good to have housing for veterans - it does. But will veterans actually end up living there? They have a preference, but if no veterans apply, the housing will go to others. And, in reality, no homeless people will live there. Is that how we want to be using our tax dollars? ($2M of county funds, plus city funds?, plus other tax dollars?)

School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings

County Week Ahead

Meetings at 3:00, noon, 2:00, 9am, 11am and 12:15? Seriously.

City Week Ahead

Meetings at 9am, 2pm, 2:30pm, 2pm, 8am, 1pm???

Listen as the Alders Explain Why They Voted for 8 More Police

It ain't pretty. So many of them were waffling more than I have ever seen, most of them listed all the reasons why they should vote no (it won't make us safer), then they voted yes. Check out how your alder did here and then email them and let them know what you think . . .

Don’t Borrow $75M for the Jail

It was supposed to be a short meeting . . . but the community isn't giving up on derailing the jail. They had to use the overflow room again - there were people in the hallway that wouldn't fit into the room again at the beginning of the meeting. The meeting was disrupted a few times and ended with more voting with thumbs up or down.

City Council Meeting (Livish)

I'm super tired and I can't guarantee that my fingers don't just do their own thing, but I'll do my best.

What will the Council talk about tonight?

Taco Bell and cops . . . northside polling places and online alcohol sales . . . .for what its worth, this is the official notice of what they may be talking about . .. . plus anything the public shows up to speak on is separated, the rest is passed in one big motion at 6:45ish.

MPD’s Constant Need for More Officers – Why I’d vote no tonight.

It seems the police are constantly shifting the ground under the policy makers about why they need more officers. And because the elected officials change all the time, they don't see the tactics that have taken place over time. Let this old timer explain . . . I've been fighting "more police" since 2001 and during that time they have added 94 more sworn officers. We've gone from 1.6 officers per 1000 in 1994 to 1.9 officers per 1000 in 2016. The budget has grown from about $35,000,000 to $70,000,000 in that time. When will it stop? There is always an excuse or a reason usually based on fear - let me run them down for you.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings - Wednesday is the Police in the Schools Committee.

County Week Ahead

Real meeting times this week - 7am, 8:30am, 3:45, 1pm, 7:45 am, 9am, 2:30pm and 8:45. You can't make this shit up . . . that's about half the meetings during this short week. Zero regard for the public.

City Week Ahead

Short but busy week . . . back in the swing of things after the holidays!