Home Media Page 30


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The Next Homeless Emergency – All Week? (Updated – 1)

Bad weather coming up next week (or weeks?), no plans. -30 windchill predicted on Tuesday and no one works over the weekend to coordinate plans. cold

City Week Ahead

Well, here's what is currently known . . . expect changes as per usual . . .

County Budget Debate: Personnel and Finance

They debate their final recommendation to the county board. Details of what is "on the table" are here. They have two charts...

Extra Common Council Surprise Agenda Items

Sent out by the clerk at 6:35 last night . . .

City Week Ahead

If you're interested in what you can do locally to help our community stand strong against what will happen when Trump takes office, there is no limit to where you can get involved. 20 city meetings this week . . . something for everyone on the agendas, policing, local food policy, poverty issues, environmental issues, transportation issues, water issues, etc. etc. etc.

City Week Ahead

All messed up as usual, 30 meetings - 2 meetings in legistar not on clerk's calendar, 2 meetings without agendas, meetings at 10am, 12:15, 10:30, noon, noon, 2:30, 11:00, noon, 1:00 when the public really can't attend.
mo meetings

Cancellations and Mo Meetings!

City Meetings Cancelled today, and a few added for tomorrow and Friday.

New Tenants’ Rights Attack from the State

Looks like the are planning to rush this (New Attack on Tenants' Rights) through . . .

City Week Ahead (Partial)

Here's a start, will get the rest done in the next 24 hours . . . plus, you just know there are meetings that still haven't been published on the weekly agenda, so I can catch those too.

Smokin’ Hot – by Mary Jo Walters

This is now a blog post in a comment block, thanks Tori!

Seriously Joe? Parisi has got to go! (Updated)

Act 10 is his friend. Unions are not. Joe Parisi does NOT follow Dane County values! His website slider about "standing up for workers rights" is laughable. Check this out! This is just so gross

(Brief) Common Council Recap

This is s a draft, audio to be added later, its brief and live blogged.