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County Board Budget Schedule . . .

You ask a question and the universe provides . . . sorta.

10 years later . . .

The County is finally going to require electronic filing of campaign finance reports. The city has been doing this for years.

Everything will be passed in one big motion except for the following unless it changes at the meeting or someone shows up to speak. Looks like they plan to talk about youth and adult employment programs (Bidar-Sielaff), 134 Fair Oaks TIF (Ahrens) and Public Market Foundation (Rummel).

Which of the 75 proposals ($2.5M) got the $200,000

That was a committee with a tough decision to make! And Shiva Bidar-Sielaff volunteered to be there!

Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

Homeless Issues Update

There was a jam packed agenda on last night for the Homeless Issues Committee - there was an update on the Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, an update on the Zero Initiative to end chronic and veteran homelessness, an update on the gaps in the system, updates on the Beacon, Messners and so much more. 2.5 hours - you can watch it all here - but I wanted to highlight the section about the gaps and how little progress has been made in the past 6 years.

Day 2 – City Budget (Operating, Part I)

Yeah, so, after 8.5 hours yesterday, I just had to be here to finish it - call me a glutton for punishment.

County Week Ahead

Only 8 meetings. All but 2 are at 5:30 or later.

What are we tearing down now?

Yup - 9 more demolitions. Most aren't controversial and they seem pretty frequent, I post these about once a month.

City Week Ahead – Geez, Who’s in charge of Council Agenda Management?

8 meetings before 4:30 (32%), 16 before 5:30 (64%). So, someone thinks 32 - 64% of the meetings don't need public input? Agree?

Whistling and widdling with dance and converstation toward structural change

COOPERATIVE BLOG Madison it stretches and grows but not everyone is at that table because the table grows wider and longer everyday. Transformation of housing...

Help A Family Keep Their Housing Assistance

You may have read the article in the paper about the mother who is going to lose her section 8 because her son, who is in jail, was is facing charges that he was involved in a shooting. As a result, she is going to lose her housing assistance, even tho he will not be returning to the household any time soon.