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Soglin Message to City Employees

Scott Walker impacts overwhelming, but he'll try not to make it worse. Watch for a budget process for employees to participate in.

What’s to be Done About the High Lake Levels?

A new ordinance introduced to help control the impacts when the water levels are high.

City Snubs Tenants – 50% of its residents

Last November, 6 months ago, the state passed a law removing many of the tenant protections in Madison. In March, they passed another bill eliminating tenant rights and increasing landlord rights. With a 2% vacancy rate right now, its a housing crisis for people looking for housing, rents are increasing at alarming rates and the city is doing what?

Board of Estimates Recap – Sans Budget (w/ Union Contracts)

This part is short and sweet . . . Getting Started Shiva Bidar Sielaff calls the meeting to order. They do roll call -...

Dane Dems against Bench Ordinance

Passed unanimously.

Mo’ Meetings! The City Weekly Meeting Schedule is a Misnomer

3 added meetings on Monday:

TRC Silent Auction Items

People were pretty excited about a few of these things last night! Here's the catalog . . . and things are still rolling in . . . so there will be even more tonight!

City Week Ahead

28 meetings, 12 start before 5pm, 1 cancelled, 3 have no agendas yet.

County Week Ahead

My best guesses about what might be important in an information vacuum.

Protect Your Security Deposit!

Seriously, its your money! My favorite story ever is the person who got charged for carpet cleaning . . . and she had wood floors. The best part was . . .

Depressing Housing and Homelessness Facts

As we are putting together our Housing is a Human Right Resolution (still draft for a few more days) we are gathering facts about housing in the Dane County area, and its depressing. And, I have two anecdotes to share to drive that home.

2 School Races! Spring Elections Heating Up!

We actually have people running for local office!!! As of today, we have TWO school board races and people have only had 6 days to file!!