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The Future of Madison Policing


What the Council WON’T be talking about tonight. (Updated.)

Apparently, they are going to talk about nothing. Or, this is wrong, stay tuned.

TIF Should Have Community Benefits

I think everyone agrees, we just don't agree to what degree - actual benefits or benefits that never materialize.

Wiily Wash What?

I don't really get it . . . what is it? Sounds like a bunch of buzz words mashed together. What is the goal? Realistically what are they trying to make happen. Too vague for me.

(Very few links) City Week Ahead

Here's about 75 - 80% of the meetings that will take place this week, stay tuned for multiple changes.

Additional City Meetings this week.

Three were added yesterday.

Stoopid City

Three things bugging me this week, so it gets its own post.

The latest on TRC

Late yesterday afternoon, Personnel and Finance posted that they would be having a meeting today at 5:00. Scuttlebutt is that there will be a whole series of amendments to remove Huber fees and then take money from some non-profits and get rid of the housing position, and TRC may have an amendment too. Here's what I know.

What I can decipher of the County Week Ahead

These agendas are tough with their alphabet soup and jargon and lack of details. Here's my best attempt . . .

Last Minute Changes to Edgewater TID Rushed Through Plan Commission

Last night was one of those nights that sucked to try to cover things in city hall. I managed to catch part of Landmarks, part of Plan, part of Landmarks again, park of Plan again and none of Board of Estimates. And, the kicker, my TiVo died so I couldn't compensate. Boo. Anyways, here's what Plan did on the Edgewater TID with bk comments.

‘Mo Meetings! (City)

Added since Monday morning. I'm pretty sure the equity report wanted us to make government more accessible, maybe we should start with the committees that are primarily charged with activities around equity? 3 of the 4 new meetings do.

Midweek Morning Round Up

Two days in a row . . . I hope I'm back on track for daily updates!