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Landmarks Commission on the Sustainability Plan

Many, many hearings on the sustainability plan this week. I covered one of them here, two others were tonight.

Whose House? Our House! Is M&I Listening?

On Friday, Take Back the Land held a rally and press conference about a house being foreclosed on by M&I Bank. Check out their proposal on how to match housing with people.

Bikies Updates

Arthur Ross to keep his job? Updates on Wilson St and biking with Willy St. Construction

Parisi To Resign on Thursday!

From the Assembly! (Not County Executive!) There are already several people running for his seat and more jumping in.

Parisi Continues Putting His Staff Together

Dane County Executive-Elect Parisi Names New Communications Director/Executive Assistant Joshua Wescott is his Chief of Staff, his campaign manager is now his media person. Casey Slaughter...

Why the Choice for County Clerk Matters

I believe that the appointment of the next Dane County Clerk will have a significant impact on the future direction of our State, our...

Federal Housing Counseling Money Gone!

Once upon a time (about 7 years ago), the Tenant Resource Center got $60K for housing counseling from the federal government to run a statewide toll-free line. Then it went to $40K, then $25K, then $20K, then $0, then $20K and now back to $0. And now, no chance of getting any money, because the entire program has been zeroed out in the federal budget. Check out what will be lost!

Tea Party Rally (Counter Rally) on Saturday

It's amazing how many people forwarded this to me . . . they must be casting a very wide net to get people there. But I'm not sure it's the people they want there. How much will we outnumber them by this time?

More Meetings Added to the Weekly Schedule

Ok, this is just crazy this week. Yesterday they added 4 more meetings for today and one for tomorrow.

A Sign of Things to Come

Sorry, no more services for the poor and people in need.

Committee Members and Staff Needed

Soglin is looking for you! Women and People of Color, now encouraged to apply!

Housing and the Federal Budget

Not so good news . . . of course.