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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, all but 2 are on Thursday, 5 are before 5:00.

Ken Golden Drops Out of Mayor’s Race

Oh . . . shit . . .

Partial City Week ahead

Last week of the summer . . . already? Wow.

County Week Ahead

19 meetings, that we know about . . . then there are the extra special ones they don't tell us about and you can only see if you go the hallway outside the clerks office and look.

More Messed Up Meetings

This time, its the state. Is the High Speed Rail meeting tomorrow about the corridor or the station? Here's another contradicting message from the top.

EDC Changes Plans . . . New Hearing Date and Time

Uh . . . duh . . . shows you how close they are following one of their allegedly important issues . . . makes me wonder if they have any credibility discussing planning . . .

Immigrant Workers “Thrown Under the Bus” by Senate Dems

It's hard to believe, but it seems that in this climate of fear and social conflict, Senate Democrats have decided to make life harder...

Green Party Looking for True Progressive Candidate to Challenge Walker

You can call it being a spoiler if you want, but so far, the choices to challenge Walker are uninspiring.

Downtown Plan: Input Needed

Not just by those who live and make money downtown, but by everyone who uses it! Input sought by the end of the...

More on Overture . . .

Council Workgroup still meeting, but not ready to meet with Overture parties yet . . . Thuy Pham-Remmele's Boogey Man and more.

City Week Ahead

23 meetings, 4 start after 5:00.

Mo’ Meetings!

Sigh . . . 4 more . . . equity, schmequity. From the equity report: D. Community Engagement One of the guiding principles...