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What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Not much, unless the public shows up. Looks like a 10 minute meeting . . . . looks can sometimes be decieving, but I don't think I'm exaggerating too much.

Watchdog: 25 years of Muckraking and Rabblerousing

Bill Lueders from the Isthmus shares some of his writings from the past few years . . . catch my interview on his book! Ok,...

Overture Deal Close . . . .

but not yet . . .

The City Budget Week Ahead

They still managed to schedule 21 meetings, even tho they can't scheduled meetings during budget, which is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night.

Solutions Provided to the City-County Liaison Committee

2 times ago they met, I provided tons of solutions for them, which were recycled from many conversations before, but this is what I gave them. It was over 40 pages with only the summaries of the information - It would be hundreds of pages of reports, with over 150 recommendations if I compiled it all. I tried, but it was overwhelming.

Common Council Recap (Brief)

This will be live blogged, i.e. not proof read. Some details will be missing. Will be updated infrequently.

Joe Wineke Announcement

Here's the video and the speech.

County Board Budget Schedule

I like how they put this out AFTER the public hearings . . . BUT a HUGE thank you to Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair, for the changes to the process!

The Wisconsin Highway Stimulus Rebate

Dear Scott Walker, You have pledged to control runaway government spending in Wisconsin and focus on "Jobs, Jobs, and Jobs."  Many of your backers from...

Mo’ meetings . . .

I grow tired of this silly game . . .

Wild and Crazy ideas for downtown development

The loss of the rail connection to Milwaukee and associated train station project in Downtown Madison has caused us to step back and reconsider redevelopment plans for the two blocks at Government East. I have just a few long-shot ideas – the public market should be just off of State at North Henry, and the new hotel should be at the state office building at 1 West Wilson. These are quite possibly totally infeasible ideas, but they at least illustrate larger issues that we need to think about.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

No. school. board. candidates. except. incumbents. None. This needs some sunlight.