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Winter Blues

happy veterans day

County Week Ahead

18 meetings, no meetings on Tuesday, election day. Don't forget to vote!

Funding Nonprofits: Great Services vs. Strong Administration

So, the discussion about who will do street outreach services for homeless people is my example here, but you can apply it to the day center service providers, the Housing Help Desk (county housing services) and the coordinated intake system (for homeless services) too. What would you prefer? Great services, right? What win's RFP's (Requests for Proposals) or grant funding battles? The perception of how strong your administrative skills are or the perception of the strength of your organization. i.e. the larger organizations.

County Week Ahead

Here it is . . . well, most of it, there are other meetings not posted on line . . .

A Pretty Full City Week Ahead

Surprising, since this time of year so many meetings start getting cancelled.

County Week Ahead

Looks like the times are back to normal. Monday December 1st 2:30 PM Area Agency on Aging - Access Committee AAA/ADRC 2865 N. Sherman Ave., Rm 109 -...

Police Policy Change: Wait For Backup!

Yeah. Chief Koval finally got it, after several people have died, he's changed the policy telling police to wait for back up unless their is a threat to someone's safety (not property).

AHAA Endorsement: District 6

Marsha Rummel v. Scott Thornton

Council Recap, Part I

Essentially a live blog - I'm not going back to edit . . . sorry.

Chief Koval: What’s Up With the Thin Skin?

Seriously, the council hasn't patted you on the back enough so you're lashing out? Ya need more "atta-boys" to make it through the day? You say you're not going to be PC. Well, I'm not either. You're full of crap. We see through your political bullshit. The public/voters/taxpayers will too. You're losing the confidence of the public. And focusing on how the council hurt your feelings by not congratulating you to your liking is not the leadership we need from someone in your position right now. Deflecting from talking about what this report will actually do, isn't going to make it go away. Let's have a real conversation about those policies!

City (Joke of a) Week Ahead

Its getting worse and worse every week, these are the meetings they told us about but there will we several more that pop up.

Wednesday News Round Up

A little more news today . . .