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Scott Walker: Stuck in the 70’s

Scott Walker’s recent letter to Ray LaHood begging to divert high speed rail funding into highway expansions reveals a significant gap in his understanding of transportation policy and technology. Will Wisconsin pay the price for his nostalgic views on transportation?

City Week Ahead

Short but busy week . . . back in the swing of things after the holidays!

Does Anyone Register to Lobby in the City Any More?

Or fill out expense forms? Lobbyists are required to register and fill out expense forms twice a year. Either the clerks office is terribly behind, or wow, there are a TON of violations! I only noticed because I have been getting contacted by nultiple people on multiple issues about lobbying and I was wondering why all the recent interest.

Bikies Updates

Arthur Ross to keep his job? Updates on Wilson St and biking with Willy St. Construction

Weekly Round Up

So distracted with the elections, that I have not had time for the usual round up. Here's a round up, non-elections related, not in the media items. Will do an all elections/news round up for this week this weekend

Ask Yourself, What is Dane County Doing?

Nothing. The answer is as little as possible, despite us raising these issues for 4 years in a row now. Where did homeless people go during that last tornado? Where should they go?

Resolution the City Attorney Doesn’t Want You to See!

Or the council to have a chance to vote on. Someone tell me what the legal risk is here?

Parisi Favorite of Sheriff and Deputy’s Association

Interesting, aren't the conservatives usually the cop favorites, since they blindly fund whatever the department wants so they can "get tough on crime!". . . interesting times we live in.

Rain Worse Than -20 Degrees For People Without Homes?

Homeless out on the streets for Christmas because it is not less than 20 degrees outside? It worries me this time of year that is stressful for people in the best of living conditions.

The City Week Ahead

This will either get finished before 11:00, or tomorrow.

Edgewater Meetings Coming Up

What are we getting for public access for our $16M? Come find out . . . AT THE DEVELOPERS MEETING Date: January 5, 2010 Time: ...

Every Brat Has Its Thorns

"Not paying fairly, not giving a job because you are only looking at how to make a profit, that goes against God." Pope Francis Madison's...