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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Alternate Side Parking Ends

This press release looks like one of my worst blog posts . . .

Absentee Ballots Available in City of Madison

Absentee ballots are now available for the April 5 Spring Election.

Madison Schools Make Up Plan

Revolution or not, the kids still have to be in school a certain amount of time, so here's the plan to add a few minutes to the school day to make up for the days kids walked out and teachers didn't show up.

Landmarks Commission Recap

Catching back up with what is going on with the Economic Development Commission report on the Development Process revisions and the landmarks ordinance and procedures.

The Late (City) Week Ahead (In Progress)

Slowly catching up on everything . . . very . . . slowly . . .

Christopher Richter: Why I’m Upset

Some thoughts about what is going on in Wisconsin.

Sights and Sounds from Inside State Capitol Yesterday Morning.

It was crazy. While you were all locked out, I got a view from the inside. It wasn't pretty. People not arrested, but being physically dragged out of the area in front of the Assembly Chambers, media denied access to the event, Assembly Dems locked out of the chambers and in the middle of it all, Jesse Jackson. I explain the series of videos I posted yesterday, so you can see what you were denied access to.

How you can make a HUGE difference!

I saw it posted on a few different blogs, people asking the author (how can I make a difference?). h/t Jessica Ace...

Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Track One

This item is a list of potential non-controversial changes to correct errors or omissions or to include things that were approved in other plans. They would prepare the amendments if this list is approved.

Board of Estimates Recap

A little short, but at least I'm back to paying attention to city business AND my keyboard works which makes blogging much, much easier! Yay!

Plan Commission Live Blog (of sorts): Bethel Church

Now that I have a keyboard that I can rely on, I feel comfortable doing this semi-live, you'll have to live with the typos. First item of interest for me was the Bethel Lutheran Church Informal Presentation.

Various Labor Panel Discussions

I don't have the video done from the event at the Orpheum yet, but here some more labor panel discussions.