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Upcoming Demolitions

I have done this since the end of October so here are some since then.

Public Hearing – What Should Community Services Priorities Be?

There's a public hearing tonight that will set the priorities that will be the basis for funding . . . well, maybe, if they...

Downtown Plan Passes Plan Commission

Final step . . . common council . . . have you been paying attention? I haven't, I gave up a while ago (and it includes my neighborhood!), I have no idea which changes from the Economic Development Commission and others made it in. Lets find out what the lobbyists have to say about it - warning: they love it!

A Better Occupy

All summer long we searched for better options, but we found none. So, we're back at 800 E. Washington, but hopefully have learned from past experiences and remain open to better locations - but there is no doubt, there is a need for somewhere to provide limited shelter, minimal heat and a sense of community.

10 days and counting . . .

There is no legal place to go . . . and the Mayor says that the Council shouldn't let people guilt them into feeling...

T Wall Properties Forgiveness – Council Votes Tonight

T Wall Properties screw up resolution - the city actually makes some money nearly 20 years later and T Wall Properties fails to perform as promised.

City Meetings Added Yesterday and Today

So sick of this crap.

Board of Estimates – Operating Budget Amendments

Board of Estimates - items 2 - 10 passed in one motion. Only two items left, a presentation by the Finance Director for the City's Life Insurance program and the budget item. This is mostly "live blogged" so not as precise and missed a few parts.

Madison History Tonight!

Exploring Madison's history: 150-year anniversary of Cordelia Harvey’s work that resulted in President Abraham Lincoln establishing the U.S. Army Harvey Hospital for convalescing Civil War soldiers in the enormous stone octagon mansion on Spaight Street.

How is this Supposed to Work?

I ask again, can you imagine being homeless in this weather - where temperatures are going to be cold enough that after 10 minutes outside you can get frostbite. A permanent, comprehensive day center is what we need. We desperately need it for the beginning of next week. A van carrying 15 people at a time can't possible help the over 200 single men and women experiencing homelessness - and that doesn't count the families.

Hispanic Family Attacked

Wow, this kind of makes you stop and think . . . http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_80f94600-6da0-11df-bd37-001cc4c03286.html How long did it take for someone to call the police? ...