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Tid Bits From Common Council Organizational Committee

This committee is the only committee that has only alders on it, so it is a good sign of things to come

Very Tall E Washington Project Gets Blessing

The 700 block of East Washington Gebhardt project gets initial approval from Urban Design and a recommendation for spot zoning/change of ordinance for a taller building . . . did anyone notice? Why isn't it controversial?

66 vacancies on city committees

Whew! You should think about applying! I can't get appointed, but you should try!

More Complete list of Madison Ordianances in Jeopardy

This list still isn't complete, but its teh list of the Madison ordinances to protect tenants that are at risk due to LRB 1931 or now known as AB183. Hearing tomorrow at 10:00. Public_Notice_5-2-13_Housing_and_Real_Estate

Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings, 3 tonight

Board of Estimates Op Budget – Part 1 of Part 2

Ok, not many of the departments got covered in the meeting that went til 11:00 last night, so all the rest will be doing their initial presentations today. And then the alders are off the races, asking questions, proposing amendments and tinkering around the edges.

Breese Stevens Field Opened Up!

If you're not a soccer fan and haven't been in Breese Stevens Field (City Park behind cement walls on 900 block of E Washington) here's your chance to go see Shakespeare there!!!

Fact Checking the N. Sherman Critics.

Madison’s Common Council voted to reconfigure N. Sherman Ave from a four-lane to a two-way with a center left turn lane. During the testimony, several issues were raised by opponents, and rehashed later on talk radio that I would like to fact-check for posterity.

Gypsy Moth Spraying Starts Today

Watch for those low flying planes. 15 sites in Dane County, 12 in the City of Madison.

City Meetings Added in the last 28 hours . . .

I am so annoyed by this . . . 4 so far . . . including the FREAKING ETHICS BOARD! There is no hope. The disregard towards the public is so engrained in the culture of city hall after Mayor Dave it is pathetic. Where are the watchdogs to make this better? We need Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway back!

County Week Ahead

5 meeting at 5:30 or after.

My Testimony

The Monona Grove School District recently held series of public hearings regarding proposed budget reductions in the district. As a district...