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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Realtors “Embarassed by” Realtors Association

It's about time! From the Marquette Neighborhood listserv: Dear Neighbors, Many of us Realtors have been very embarrassed by our state associations (WRA) endorsements and candidate contributions....

Representative Gary Hebl Listening Sessions

Representative Gary Hebl will be holding listening sessions in both Cottage Grove and Sun Prairie before next Tuesday's election! For Immediate Release ...

Dane County Education Meeting

The community wide education meeting was very much a success. With a solid crowd and great speakers, the Sunday afternoon meeting...


I'm having a hard time reading between the lines here, did they seriously say the TIF Coordinator won't answer questions except from the developer and policy makers after his report is out? What's the mayor's role in here in the first points? Can you say Cieslevistan?


We've been working on updating the community calendar we have, and you will start to see events there again. If you have events...

Short City Week Ahead

I dunno if the agendas just didn't get in, or if the week is really this short . . . I expect more agendas to roll in.

City Sustainability Plan: Input Needed!

Take the on-line survey, attend a meeting, get involved!

Teacher Pay – Part 2 – Solutions!

I have been accused of just complaining and offering up no solutions. Since I offered up we need to pay teachers what they...

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...


I was listening to WIBA-AM recently (Here and here)and the President-select of Cottage Grove was on Mitch Henck's show(I am not sure why...


Saw this video made by some guys from Oakland, CA and it rocked and needed to be shared!

New Parisi TV Ad

The Dane County Way . . .