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Paul Soglin’s First Substantive Legislation

From tomorrow's council agenda. One for city staff. Restoring the cut of Arthur Ross's position. Mayor Dave unceremoniously cut his position from the...

City Week Ahead

5th Wednesday and Thursday and going into the 4th of July weekend makes it a shorter week.

The (City) Week Ahead

Budget at Board of Estimates tonight and a quieter week, since it is last that week of the month.

Jim Carrier: Is Rhythm & Booms Worth the Cost?

This was in the Cap Times yesterday, but is worth repeating.

Council members to talk about Nothing(?) tonight?

Consent agenda explanation is long, but it looks like the alders have not separated any items to discuss tonight.

Madison Schools Make Up Plan

Revolution or not, the kids still have to be in school a certain amount of time, so here's the plan to add a few minutes to the school day to make up for the days kids walked out and teachers didn't show up.

Not Very Exciting Week Ahead

The last week of the month usually is a little slow, but what is exciting is several agendas that usually pop up late are in on time. I wonder, is this a new world order?

Activities to be Banned at Lisa Link Park “Visitor” Center

Some of these things are completely reasonable, but beware, no drinking a glass of wine and asking for directions, or stopping between beers to use the ATM, no staring, no offensive odor from hygiene (excessive nasty perfume, ok), no kissing (or holding hands?), no political materials (on State Street!) or charity work without permission, no kids running in the area with their shoes off after running in the splash park, no more than two bags in your possession (don't do too much shopping!), no changing your clothes in the restrooms (you hear that bikers?), no moving chairs or putting your feet on them, no eating that ice cream cone in an unapproved area, no taking Visitor Center materials into the rest room etc etc etc.

Enviros Support Parisi

It's a Joe Parisi lovefest! Sorry other candidates, send me your stuff, I'll post it! :)

Mayor’s Moratorium on Food/Drink/Alcohol Establishments in Downtown

This will be discussed tonight at the Plan Commission, Wednesday at ALRC and Thursday at Downtown Coordinating Committee. Question is, does anyone but the mayor think this is a good idea? Or necessary?

Evil Returns . . .

September 13th . . . the Legislature goes back into session. There are two rallies planned for that evening. We're starting to hear what's on the agenda, here's a little taste of the treats they have in store for us!

More Changes to the City Week Ahead

Sigh . . .