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City Bans Travel to North Carolina!

So says the Mayor! Standing up for the LGBTQ community, emphasis on the T.

Lawton and Lautenschlager Endorse Soglin

Soglin Campaign: Barbara Lawton and Peg Lautenschlager endorse Paul Soglin for Madison mayor plus Terese Berceau commercial. Former Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton and former Attorney...

A Sign of Things to Come

Sorry, no more services for the poor and people in need.

City Week Ahead

Only 17 meetings listed, expect extra posts this week! Only 10 start after 5:00.

Chief Couper and Others Lay Out Plan to Improve OUR Police

It was a whole hour long press conference with a set of awesome speakers. We have an active an engaged community on this issue, but with reluctant leadership in our police department, there is no one to engage with. Listen (and watch) as they lay it all out for us. Several call for Koval to resign. All make it clear that what we saw last week, police beating a young woman, is unacceptable.

Meetings Added Yesterday to the Week Ahead

The "Weekly Schedule" expanded as usual . . . here's the updates.

What did they do to the Weekly Meeting Schedule!?!

Well, this is good . . . I think. Yesterday I started getting all these weird emails . . . now I see why . . .

Assembly Passes Budget

I watched til about 2:45 and fell asleep. It passed around 3. Each Democratic Party amendment met the same fate . . . "gentleman from the 69th", "table", good arguments made, falls on deaf ears, vote 60 to 38. But still, I watched. Here's Barca's statement.

Local and Not in the News Round Up

Sorry its late, had the day off so I slept in . . . and then when I was half done, I lost it. :( But I soldiered on!

ALEC and Wisconsin

So, Center for Media and Democracy has exposed ALEC and they need your help! Plus, here's some Wisconsin specific materials.

Report/Thoughts on 2nd Budget Conversation

This one went a little smoother, but . . . there is still room for improvement and with the changes, the final results will be skewed.

City in August Week Ahead

Whoa, this is a ton of meetings for August . . . when committees routinely take the month off.