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Tuesday Morning Round Up

Trying to keep up with the round up this week!

Round Two: Neighborhood Summit

This part asked what's working well, favorite suggestion today and important lesson today.

City Week Ahead: Two Days

Meetings Scheduled for Monday and Tuesday only . . . there will be Overture meetings by MAD and 201 State on Tuesday as well, at least that is what they announced last week, they just don't have their agendas in yet. Cuz, you know, they love to keep the public informed.

Round Up! 5 Days in a Row!

Ok, I met my goal of doing the round up for a week in a row, and hopefully this is back on a daily basis . . . because it is very popular . . .

The Wisconsin Highway Stimulus Rebate

Dear Scott Walker, You have pledged to control runaway government spending in Wisconsin and focus on "Jobs, Jobs, and Jobs."  Many of your backers from...

Overture Version 4 Discussion (Final)

Ok, another "live blog" . .. . to the best of my ability.

Added City Meeting

Yeah, this is monotonous on one level, infuriating on a local government transparency level . . . Good thing that homelessness or Uber/Lyft...

How Walker’s Proposal Affects (City of) Madison Employees

From a memo from City Attorney Michael May.

Board of Estimates Operating Budget Discussion – Community Services

This is separated out because it contains some pretty big news for non-profits and their supporters. In fact, if you ask me, it was the only news of the evening.

Our Response to Snow Plowing Debate

I sat through quite a few meetings and took a lot of notes, but this is what it all boils down to. If you don't like their ideas, you can show up tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4:00 in Room LL110 in the Municipal (Post Office) Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd) to let them know. They send the notice of this meeting out late yesterday.

Three Days In a Row Round Up!

Overture, Library and High Speed Rail meetings last night . . . and Radomski and Brandon announce for Mayor and County Exec . ....

City Week Ahead

No meetings at all on Monday! Only 14 meetings, 3 of which have no link to the agenda?